Monday, June 1, 2009


Going back to work after taking vacation time murders part of your soul. I’m beginning to see the benefits of becoming a drifter/hobo. I really don’t think I could wear three coats at the same time though.

I went through the Big Box o’Pictures the other day and took out all the floppy picture disks, saved them to the hard drive and then backed them up on a single cd. 1205 pictures and it only took up 74 MB. I hate technology. In 25 years I’ll be able to take all the accumulated knowledge of the greatest minds in history, put it on a chip, inside a pill and shove it up a monkey’s ass just for the fuck of it.

Don’t mind me; I’m grouchy from tearing apart picture disks so I can safely throw them away. God knows I don’t want my wiener on the internet or even worse, a picture of me in parachute pants.

I’m currently reading 1776 by David McCullough. I’m always incredibly impressed whenever I read about important historical events and the people that pulled off those events. But then by comparison, I’m always incredibly disappointed in the “important” figures of my own time. Pussies.

The yard sale went well, but I didn’t get rid of as much stuff as I would have liked. Almost anything that didn’t sell got put on the curb for Monday morning trash. I gave Pink the 5 lb sledge and told her to go to work on everything in the “curb” pile. Hey, I’m not giving the shit away to the Sunday night trash pickers. I gotta say, I was pretty impressed. That girl can swing a fucking mallet. I’ll have to remember that if I ever need someone’s knees worked on.

I’m thinking about kicking out some more sci-fi short stories. I’ve got a few rattling around in my melon, but I’m not too sure. It didn’t go very well last time. Imagine my fucked up sense of humor and lack of grammatical skills with the addition of zombies and naked chicks with tentacles…or zombie naked chicks…or just straight up naked chicks. Maybe I should just write porn.

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