Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Video: Contestant Collapses on "The Bachelor" » ExciteBlog

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Video: Contestant Collapses on "The Bachelor"

Those rose ceremonies on "The Bachelor" must be pretty stressful -- because last night, one contestant collapsed as she waited for Ben Flajnik to call her name.

Poor Erika couldn't compose herself during Monday night's episode, telling the contestant next to her "I'm gonna pass out ..." before falling to the ground.

The girls went into panic mode, getting water, orange juice and pillows, while producers said to give her space.

"It's a freakin' three ring circus right now," one of the contestants said on camera.

Erika eventually regained control of her legs, stood back up and the ceremony continued.

Unfortunately, after all that, she was still sent home ... along with Shawntel and Jaclyn.

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