Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Khloe Kardashian in Celeb Life » ExciteBlog

Khloe Kardashian in Celeb Life » ExciteBlog
Khloe Kardashian in Celeb Life » ExciteBlog

Khloe Kardashian did a cover shoot for Celeb Life this week. Her pictures look amazing but I'm not sure they are her or if they photoshopped her head onto someone else's body. Weve all seen you on your reality show, we know your built bigger than these pictures.

Khloe's sister, Kim Kardashian, is never one to be outshinned and did a very sexy, silver paint photoshoot this week for a magazine. Sorry Khloe, but you will have to share the limelight.

Khloe Kardashian in Celeb Life » ExciteBlog
Khloe Kardashian in Celeb Life » ExciteBlog

Khloe Kardashian in Celeb Life » ExciteBlog
Khloe Kardashian in Celeb Life » ExciteBlog

Khloe Kardashian in Celeb Life » ExciteBlog
Khloe Kardashian in Celeb Life » ExciteBlog

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