Thursday, July 30, 2009


I don’t really have anything against the Apple Corporation personally. I haven’t used an Apple computer since forth grade library, but I do have an iPod and an iPhone and they are both outstanding tools.


…where in the fuck did they get the idea to call their tech support people “Geniuses”? Really? Genius?

So after going to the ATT store where I bought the phone and being told I have to make an appointment for the next day at the Apple store which is 45 minutes away, then I hit traffic and it took me over an hour to get there so I missed my 1:10 appointment by ten minutes causing the tech support punk to say “Well, I hope the next people are late cause you’re cutting into their time.”

I said, “Listen genius…”

And what was their genius level fix? Completely reset the phone so I get to spend three hours this afternoon reloading apps, pics and music back on my phone.

Thanks Genius

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