Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Busy, Busy, Headlines

- Like I said, I just got back from vacation. I’m ready for another one. I kinda need one that will last for the next 47.2 years…or so.

- I have 650 hours worth of shit to do and only 624 hours in which to get it done.

- I tried the best beer in the world the other day. Stone Thirteenth Anniversary Ale. I had three glasses and jizzed twice.

- You know when you’re reassembling your M16 and you pinch your finger between the bolt and the bolt carrier and then the cut fills with CLP because that shit just gets everywhere? I hate that.

- Apparently a fake post I did a while back about spying on my neighbor is being mentioned in the same breath as some bitch I don’t know being taped dropping a deuce or some such. I don’t really care, but I am getting some wicked high traffic from some pissed off conservatives.

- You know when you pour a beer too fast and the head threatens to overrun the rim of the glass so you have to suck the foam off the top real fast. Do you spit that mouthful out or just suck it up and swallow?

- My elbows hurt.

- I’m currently reading Moby Dick for the first time. Is it just me or is that Ahab kind of a prick?

- I’m pretty busy for the next few weeks then I’m headed to Afghanistan for awhile so posting might be on the light side, if you know what I mean.

- Peace…but not really.

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