Friday, July 17, 2009

The Bobman returneth

Good afternoon! faithful followers from the far-off and wild internet-i-scapes and world-wide-webias. Hark! and bringeth forth glad tidings of joy and many beers. I have returned!

I just got back from vacation and boy are my arms tired (snare, snare, cymbal). No, seriously they’re killing me; I think I pulled something.

The family unit and I hiked all over the back woods of New York (the good part of the state, not the part with fucking New Yorkers). Then we lounged the night away by the fire, pounding brewskis and stuffing our greedy pie-holes with all the s’mores we could s’more.

I’d write more, but we’re heading out to Don Pablo’s for tacos y burritos.

I’ll fulfill all your wishes with my taco flavored kisses. Taco, Taco. Burrito, Burrito.


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