Thursday, July 2, 2009

Happy Fuck You, England Weekend

I know The Fourth is still a few days off, but today is the start of my weekend and I’s gots chillin’ to do later.

I find Independence Day to be one of the few holidays that I can really appreciate. It’s impressive when any group of people tells their leaders that their services are no longer needed. And yea, you can give me that line about the Founding Fathers being a bunch of white slave owners, who didn’t want to pay their taxes, but they pulled it off…didn’t they? I mean…hey, I don’t currently own any slaves, but I’m white and I sure as fuck don’t want to pay my taxes. If I know my history, all I need is a well written Virginian with jungle fever, a nerdy guy who drinks beer and comes up with good quotes and a tall guy with wooden teeth. Next thing you know, we’ll be crammin’ our pie-holes with ambrosia fruit salad on Bobsylvania Day. Hmmmm…ambrosia.

On a lighter, more realistic note…

We are headed to AC this weekend for the Clutch concert at the House of Blues. Then a BBQ at a friend’s on Saturday. Should be nice. We got a room and are just planning on lounging at the beach all day Friday til the concert, then stagger back to the crib after the show.

By the way, sorry for not updating regularly any more. I’ve had what you might call a “change of outlook on life” and it’s taking me in a new direction. I basically took all the nicest, happiest parts from about five different religions and tossed out all the gods, myths, fairy tales, guilt and that “do unto others” crap. What you end up with is pretty fucking sweet. I’ll let you know how it goes, but I gotta say…I’ve never been this at peace in my life.

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