Thursday, February 26, 2009

I’m not even supposed to be here today

I know I said I wasn’t blogging from work anymore, but this is kind of a unique instance. I’m supposed to be off today.

Normally I work Sunday through Wednesday. Now before you get all uppity, it’s like 11 hour shifts and I end up having to come in most Thursdays or Fridays for one reason or another. That’s more than a 40 hour week. Hey I earn my money so fuck off!

Sorry, sorry. I don’t mean to yell, but you just push my buttons sometimes. Where was I? Oh yea.

So I find myself at work tonight because the guy who normally works on Thursdays had to go to a special class during the day so he can’t work his shift tonight. I took the same class a couple weeks ago, but I was smart enough to work the schedule so I wouldn’t inconvenience anyone else. But hey, that’s just me.

I suppose I could blog about the class, but then of course I’d have to kill you. It’s THAT kind of thing.

I’m serious; I totally would. I’d have to track down each and every person who read this post and murder them. I’m super serious.

I suppose it wouldn’t be murder it was in the name of national security. Would it? You know for the good of the nation and all. Anyway just be glad I didn’t tell you. As a great American once said, “I don’t want to kill you and you don’t want to be dead.”

Well I’m assuming you don’t want to be dead. Hell, maybe you do, but that’s not my problem. You need to start taking care of yourself for a change and stop sloughing all your problems off on other people. I can’t be doing every damn thing around here. Fuck. What is it with you?

Where was I?

Oh yea, work. Here’s the thing. The guy I’m working for was training another guy and he’s also here. And he’s finished training. And he can do the job by himself. And he is doing it. And there’s no reason for me to be here. And I have nothing to do.

So I’m blogging.
*I forgot the asterisk

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