Monday, February 23, 2009


So what the fuck’s been going on? Seeing as how you apparently can’t accept the truth, I guess I’ll just make up some shit to fill in the last six months.

When we left off back in August, I had just switched jobs. For those of you that don’t remember, I’m in the military, but for the last four years I scored a sweet training gig where I was basically put in charge of a bunch of children posing as aircraft maintenance instructors. It had its drawbacks, but also had the big advantage of being steady day-shift work, out of the weather and zero getting shot at. It was also completely unfulfilling. I usually just sat at my computer for eight hours a day thinning out the steady blogging with two or three hours of actual work. I also managed to put on twenty pounds.

So when I was given the opportunity to either stay on for a fifth year or bail and go back to the flight line, either guilt, sense of duty or sheer boredom got the better of me and I left.

Now I spend 10 hours a day directing and supervising ALL of the daily maintenance being performed on roughly $2 billion worth of government aircraft. The hour I get in front of a computer is wholly taken up by reading work emails and completing actual work related shit.

When I started it was way too time-consuming and stressful to keep the blog running, so I punched. Sorry.

Now that I’ve been at it for a few months, I’ve got into a pretty steady rhythm. I work from 3 in the afternoon until 1 in the morning, but Pink gets me up at 7:30 to see her off to school so I have the bulk of the day to myself. I usually just watch TV, play Xbox, clean up the house then run a few miles if it’s not too cold. I missed writing and couldn’t really come up with a good reason not to start blogging again, so here we are.

I know I won’t be able to post everyday, but I think that will just make the ones I write that much better. Believe me; I’ve got some interesting shit coming up that should make for some good stories. I’ve got a practice war in the spring, a graded practice war in the summer and then I’m probably going to Kandahar in the fall. Cross your fingers; Purple Hearts are sexy as hell.

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