Thursday, February 26, 2009


The new Lamb of God CD, Wrath, came out Tuesday and I gotta say it kicks ass. So far my favorite song is “Contractor”, which is basically an accusation against military contractors in Iraq like Blackwater.

I really couldn’t care less about the social message. My point is that it has a good beat and you can dance to it, Dick. Besides, how can you go wrong with a line like,

“Guaran-fucking-teed. Someone will bleed.”

That’s gold, Jerry, gold I tell ya.

I was going to imbed a video or a link or something, but I got distracted by something shiny. Then I ended up watching a bunch of You Tube videos of people falling down and getting wacked in the balls.*

* I’ve decided I’m going to mention balls in every single one of my posts from now on.**

** I’ve also decided I’m going to add an asterisk with a note to every post.

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