Monday, April 13, 2009


- I’m currently reading The Zombie Survival Guide by Max Brooks.

- On an unrelated note, “Zombie Attacks” has passed “Hippie Jams” on my list of “Shit I am Worried About.”

- For a good hour on Thursday, I was convinced the wife was trying to poison me.

- We had a great family day in New Hope on Saturday buying shit we don’t "need" yet had to own. Jalapeno-Tequila hot sauce? Check. Weyerbacher tulip glass? Check. American Harvest Beanpod candles? Check.

- I had a full blown panic attack on Friday and I haven’t felt “right” since.

- I just realized we had the “sex” talk with our kid before the “Santa Claus/Easter Bunny/Tooth Fairy” talk. What’s wrong with this world?

- I sent in my taxes. I’ve had them done for a while, but fuck ‘em. They can wait for my money.

- There’s a better than average chance that I’ve had a complete psychotic collapse and I’m currently sitting in a padded cell, drooling on myself, imagining I’m updating my blog.

- I use “quotation” marks entirely too much.

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