Thursday, April 23, 2009

Officially Old

Ok. Now I feel old. Let me fill you in.

Normally, I like to keep a neat and tidy scrotal zone.

Stay with me now.

Nothing too fancy. No crazy shapes like hearts or butterflies and definitely not shaven bald. Just a nice regulation high and tight.

Still with me?

Well I’m ashamed to say that I haven’t been as diligent as usual recently, what with the possibility that I might be going insane and all and I noticed this morning that I had the makings of a full blown rainforest sprouting up.

Ok that was a bit much; I’ll understand if you’ve moved on by now.

So I broke out the trusty old “pubes only” clippers and commence to manscaping. When what do I find? A big old wiry silver hair. Silver. Can you believe that shit?

Now that was too much even for me. I don’t even know if I’ll be able to finish.

So that’s it. I’m officially fucking old. It’s all down hill from here. Where’s the euthanasia line?

I might have to go do something childish before they fit me for a walker.

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