Thursday, April 30, 2009

Trust me…I know what I’m talking about

I have it on good authority that the Swine Flu pandemic is actually an elaborate government cover-up of…

…wait for it…

…a viral zombie outbreak.

Go ahead and check for yourselves. Googling “swine flu zombie” will get you no less than 160,000 hits. And we all know everything on the internets is true or else they couldn’t print it. Here are some of the highlights:

Swine flu: Mexico City becomes 'strange zombie city'… -

I now believe from a majority of people that this Swine Flu creates zombies out
of people. The question is why are these infected people or zombies hostile, why
are they trying to kill us and infect us all? From thoughs who are bioligists
please explain to me why people turn into high fevered infected zombies that
turn and kill people, THIS IS NOT A JOKE! My sources come from a large # of
people on Yahoo answers who say that the zombies are already in the thousands in L.A and Mexico.
Yahoo Answers

This little exchange is my personal favorite:

…I can't help but think that there is some sort of global government cover-up of
a zombie outbreak from this flu....Flu like symptoms, then quick death, then
attempted government cover-up "Swine Flu" B.S., and then global

…Give me twenty cases of beer, food, three battle rifles, seven sniper rifles, three LMGs, seven RPGs, three SMGs, seven pistols, a stockpile of ammo, and I should be just fine….

…Our local paper ran a sub story about how "Containment is not an option" after telling us all last week that there was only a few isolated cases outsice of Mexiico…

Well, fuck, that’s all the proof I need. Get Bessie into the barn, fill the bathtub with water and load the shotguns. I’m killin’ the first muthafucker that comes to the door.

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