Monday, April 6, 2009

Why I love America…

…or, “How to waste your whole fucking morning in 10 easy steps.”

I can’t decide what I want to name this post, so we’re just going to go with both for now.

I got up this morning with every intention of getting some yard work done, but it’s currently pouring down rain and has been all morning. So instead, I jumped on the old computer to read some feeds. I currently subscribe to 23 different feeds and when I say different, I’m not joking around; my tastes are all over the place.

I read a handful of beer blogs, a couple about mountain biking and a couple funny Hollywood news and movie blogs. Seems normal, right? Well also throw in one heavy metal music blog, a sprinkling of middle-aged housewife blog and a dash of hippie poet blog just for good measure. Then top it all off with a heaping spoonful of political blogs.

I don’t know how that degenerated into a recipe, but like I’ve said…I never promised you a fucking rose garden. Besides, it’s not like I get paid for this shit.

Where was I?

Right, political blogs

Believe it or not, but I have no real interest in politics. I read all the other stuff, pretty much just to stay up to date on either the subject of the blog or the writer there of. But the political blogs I read purely for the interactions between the writers. It’s like people-watching at the mall only on a grander yet more obscure scale. It’s truly beautiful in its expression of American freedom and to be totally honest, it’s fucking hysterical.

I don’t know what your particular political views are, my dear Faithful Few readers, and frankly I don’t want to know, but do yourself a favor and follow along.

I started this morning with The Other McCain. I like McCain because he’s funny and he was one of the first to link me back in the day. Funny…it all began when I started commenting on a discussion between McCain and Jimmie over the merits of Battlestar Galactica. I only found his site in the first place because I was researching Grace Park for my doctoral thesis on Asian schoolgirl uniforms.

Where was I?

From McCain’s site I found TBogg and from there I found Big Head DC. That’s when I found this guy. Then on and on and on.

Go ahead and read. I’ll wait.

That’s when I had to stop because I was literally laughing out loud at my computer and I had completely wasted the morning.

I have no idea who any of these people really are, but it’s still fucking hysterical, because they are completely serious. Really. They are totally serious about this shit. I’m super cereal.

So anyway, my point is if you need a little entertainment to spice up your day, find yourself a couple of contrasting political blogs and watch the sparks fly. Keep in mind, you better have your shit wired right, or else you might just get sucked into one side or the other. That wouldn’t be cool at all, because we all know there’s really only one correct viewpoint.


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