Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I’m Feeling Much, Much Better Now…

…thank you for your concern.

…and by “concern” I mean “total disregard”…

…and by “you” I mean “you” dipshit, currently reading this…

…and by “thank you” I mean “fuck off”…

No really.

Actually, I am feeling a lot better. I think my little “episode” was a combination of:

Work stress (I hate my job)
Stress over a legal matter I can’t talk about (trust me it’s just fucking great)
I have a cold (My head is full of snot)
I’m eating healthy (I’m always hungry and my blood sugar is completely fucked)
I’ve lost 30 lbs in 3 months (which apparently is not as healthy as it sounds)
I occasionally have a beer or two (or ten)

Thanks again for the concern.

And by…well, you know the rest.

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