Thursday, March 5, 2009

Best Day of my Life…Ever*

OMG! OMG! OMG! You are not going to fucking believe this, but this is the very best day EVER!!

I was feeling a little blue this morning. You know, just down in the dumps because all my investments are in the crapper, so we’re pretty short on funds. Then this morning I found out that I got passed over for promotion…again. So no more money there and at this rate we’ll be lucky to keep the house let alone have any money to send the girl to college.

When out of the blue shines a glowing beacon of hope.

Someone I barely knew in elementary school sent me a digital picture of a Quiet Riot rock pin for my digital denim jacket. How did they know?

Thank you, long lost friend. My life has meaning again.

*Have I mentioned how much I hate fucking Facebook?

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