Friday, March 13, 2009

V is for Victory…and that’s good enough for me.

Well faithful few, the fake war is over and I am home sweet home again. I got in yesterday evening about six o’clockish and I gotta say…I’m fuckin’ beat. This exercise was a fucking ball buster.

For those of you with any military know how, I’ll just say we were in and out of MOPP 4 all week in the Mississippi heat.

For those of you without the luxury of military training, please follow these steps for a better understanding:

1. Put all of your clothes on. Every fucking stitch you own.
2. Get a fishing vest, fill every pocket with lead and put that on over your clothes.
3. Put a plastic bag over your head, cinch it down tight then poke a pinhole to breathe through.
4. Find the heaviest pot in your house and put it on your head.
5. Now run up and down your block for thirty minutes.
6. Then dig a hole in your front yard deep enough for you to sit in.
7. Sit in it for two hours while desperately trying to catch your breath through that pinhole.
8. Repeat steps 5 and 7 for twelve hours in the Mississippi heat.

Yea…that was my week. I lost 7 pounds in four days.

So it goes without saying, when I got home yesterday I got a little drunk. And the winners were…in the following order:

2 Troegs Nugget Nectar 7.5%
1 Founders Double Trouble 9.4%
2 Dogfish Head 90 Minute IPA 9.0%
1 Victory Hop Wallop 8.5%

…and then I passed the fuck out.

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