Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Traffic Experiment Part III

So the traffic experiment is not going well. Not one single person hit the site searching to Miley Cyrus. What the hell is this world coming to when a shitty blog writer can’t lure unsuspecting perverts into reading his little comedy shtick under the guise of underage pubes? What the fuck do I have to do to break that impenetrable 50 visitor a day glass ceiling?

Well fret not faithful reader for I have found the answer. It’s over at The Other McCain.

In all honesty I actually got the idea for doing the Miley Cyrus post from Mr. McCain’s million hit article. So I figured I’d give him some love even though I’m pretty sure he’s not going to notice any sort of marked traffic increase when my five faithful readers (and I love you guys) check out his site. Not that he needs the help or anything; the guy gets like thousands of visitors a day.

But I do feel that I need to thank Mr. McCain. He was one of the first big bloggers to blog roll me when I was up the first time and he even left the dead link on his roll for the six months that Bob’s Bar and Grill didn’t actually exist anymore.

Thank you Mr. McCain. Your inattention to detail still gets me half my traffic.

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