Monday, March 23, 2009

New Favorite Brewski

I gotta say, I never thought I’d find a beer I like better than Sly Fox O’Reilly’s Stout, but there’s a pretty good chance that day has come.

I’ve been pretty busy the last few weeks with work and chores around the house so The Wife and I haven’t been able to make it out to our usual watering hole, The High Street Grill in Mount Holly. As restaurants go, I could take it or leave it, but the High Street has one of the best tap lists in the tri-state area.

As it turned out, the girl got invited to a Twilight screening at one of her friend’s house on Saturday so we’d get the chance to live it up for a few hours. I know. That’s pretty advantageous for us seeing as how the girl’s not even a chubby middle-aged housewife and all.

So we get to the bar and to my utter disgust I find Guinness of all things where they usually have the O’Reilly’s which also happens to be the only stout/nitrogen pour tap.

Crrrrap! (rolled rrr with bad Irish accent)

Wait…what the hell is that I see? Another stout tap?

Turns out they put in another one in the past couple weeks and no one called to tell me. And they put in a beer I’ve always want to try, but I’ve never seen anywhere.

Victory Donnybrook Stout (cue heavenly music)

It’s smooth and something and something else. It has mellow something with hints of something and something. And some kind of finish.

Hey, I’ve not a fucking beer critic, I’m a beer drinker. I’m lucky I spelled it right.

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