Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Three more years

Just three more fucking years, Bob. You can do it. Hell, you might even be able to do it without maiming anyone.

If I ever hear any of you bitch about your jobs, I swear to Christ I’ll reach through this screen and choke the shit out of you.

As you may recall, I went on a nice vacation to Mississippi a couple weeks back where we held a quaint little practice war for the week.

Yea…it was fucking great.

In case I didn’t tell you, that practice war was just practice for the “real” practice war we have coming up in June.

Now I just found out last night we are going to be MOPPing up every Wednesday and doing little mini practice wars from now until June.

It really is a shame we don’t have any real wars going on right now. Of course then the people who grade the practice wars might have to …I don’t know…duck.

On an almost unrelated side note, I really hate Lieutenants. They are truly, truly fucking useless.

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