Wednesday, March 11, 2009

First Post Referencing Man-Nipples

Originally posted 3 Apr 2008

Well I was going to go to the track this afternoon to get some running in, seeing as how I have to test pretty soon, but alas, I forgot my socks. I thought I packed everything in the old gym bag this morning: shorty-short running shorts for maximum taint ventilation – check, baggy t-shirt to hide floppy man-boobs – check, windbreaker because it’s still cold and if my floppy man-nipples get hard I’ll cut my way out of my baggy t-shirt – check, running shoes that I don’t have anything funny to say about – check and IPod because hey, you can’t run without an IPod right? This isn’t the Stone Age – check.

Yep, I thought I had everything except when I dug into my gym bag, no socks. I suppose I could wear the big black wool socks I’ve been wearing all day, but no. I just can’t make myself go out in public wearing shorts and black socks; I’m not my dad. Nope, not going to do it. Besides, they’re already pretty nasty and God knows what they’d smell like after a couple laps.

So instead of running, I’m going to keep the door to my office closed, pretend like I left for the track already and blog a little in my underwear. Don’t worry I’m not doing anything creepy. Besides…wait for it…ok I have my pants back on. Feel better?

Hmmm. Anything else going on? Not really. Readership seemed to have taken a nosedive over the past week. I think it might have something to do with my excessive use of profanity in the last few posts. I don’t have anything to base that conclusion on. It’s just a straight up guess. I suppose that might turn some people off, so I’ll try to tone it down from now on. Sorry. “Man-nipples” isn’t profane is it? My mom told me once that people swear because they don’t have anything intelligent to say, but what the fuck does she know? Sorry, sorry, sorry. Ok, I mean from now on.

Sweet, it’s 4:00. I’ve wasted just enough time. See you tomorrow.

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