Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Oh no…not a political post.

Perhaps one of the greatest events to ever occur in the history of the world took place over the winter. It really was a shame that I was off the air at the time because this type if momentous happening was just the sort of thing this blog was created to discuss. No, I’m not talking about a black guy getting elected president. I really couldn’t fuckin’ care less and as far as I’m concerned, all politicians are only out for themselves. Besides, he still thinks he’s better than me, so fuck him…elitist asshole douchebag.

I am, of course, talking about the kegerator I got for Christmas.

I’m not too sure if I’ve ever mentioned this before, but I kind of like beer.

I’m sporting a sixtel of Victory HopDevil at the moment because I was really craving some bitterness after the last keg. I made the mistake of letting The Wife pick up the last one unsupervised, which was partly cool cause she paid and all, but she ended up coming home with Riverhorse Tripel because she just picked one at random.

Don’t get me wrong, I like a good Belgian style ale and I’ve had this beer before, but after a whole sixtel of that 10% a.b.v. syrupy sweetness I was ready to move on and the HopDevil is really hitting the spot.

PS. Happy Saint Patty’s Day

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