Monday, March 30, 2009

Traffic Experiment

Yes I know this is like the seventh post titled “Traffic Experiment.” I never promised you a fucking rose garden. What can I say? I’m just not that original.

Anyhoo…It’s Monday and my head hurts. My daughter has a thing at the school I have to be at in 45 minutes, and then I have to work all night. So cut me some slack.

How ‘bout some keyword searches that brought people to BBG? Here’s the latest and greatest:

“Bob’s bar and grill”, “Bob’s bar & grill”, “Bob’s boot bar and grill”, “bob’sbar”, “the bob, bar” and my personal favorite “bob bobs bar”

Turtlerapeshoe”, “turtle rape shoe”, “turtle rapes shoe” and “turtle raping shoe” – No matter how you slice it, it’s still funny.

…and the winner for this week’s Learn-to-write-fucking-English-before-you-go-trolling-for-porn Award:

“search how to shoe grill,s boobes”

Really? You shouldn’t even be granted internet access if you can’t spell “Girl’s Boobs.”

The only way is could be remotely excusable is if the searcher is really four years old and hacked the parental controls on his dad’s computer. In which case, go here little dude.

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