Tuesday, May 19, 2009


- I have lost 35 lbs since the beginning of the year. I still need to lose 26 more to get my BMI where it’s supposed to be, but I’ve kind of hit a wall here at the 215 mark. I figure I’ve got two choices. I can quit drinking or I can cut one of my legs off at the knee. I’m leaning toward the leg idea because the benefits are really two fold: 1) I’ll quickly lose about 20 lbs and 2) my daily run will be all the more difficult thus increasing my heart rate and overall workout.

- I have to go into work 2 hours early today (and no, I won’t get off 2 hours early) for the annual Sexual Assault Prevention and Response training. They segregate the classes by sex, so men and women aren’t in the same ones. I don’t how the women’s class goes, but last year they just bitched for 2 hours and yelled at us to stop raping people. Apparently, the training is working because I didn’t rape anyone last year.

- Smitty, I’m not really going to cut off my leg.

- If you clicked over to the sexual assault website did you notice anything funny about the picture? The two women are white and the two men are black. You know, if I was a minority I’d probably be offended. But I’m not, so I’m not.

- I’m currently reading Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson. I don’t have anything funny to say about it. I just wanted you to know that I’m not all swear words and asshole jokes.

- The Pittsburgh Penguins beat the Carolina Hurricanes last night 3-2 to take a one game lead in the Eastern finals. Did anyone (besides coolchick) not see this coming? Let me just go on record as saying that if your hockey team is based in a state where water does not freeze naturally at any time during the year, your team sucks.

That is all. Please continue your day.

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