Thursday, May 7, 2009

It’s as if God Himself is giving me permission

So what would you do?

As some of you may know, there is a certain individual for whom I have what you may call a strong dislike.

Over time, I have also, inextricably been handed all sorts of information about this guy.

I currently have:
- his name,
- his home and work address,
- his home phone, work phone and cell phone numbers,
- his work email, home email and secret home email addresses,
- and his credit card number. I shit you not. I was in charge of a banquet, that he bought a ticket to…with his credit card.

Then yesterday, an extremely naive or impossibly generous paralegal read his social security number out loud over the phone not two feet from where I was sitting.

Can you say…integrity test?

Now, I don’t know a whole hell of a lot about identity theft, but…I mean…come on. At this point I’d be willing to bet the Fates would have gift-wrapped his mother’s maiden name for me if I didn’t happen to know for a fact that he was actually shit out by Lucifer’s retarded cousin-in-law.

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