Friday, May 22, 2009

Two Girls and a Cup of Controversy

Smitty over at The Other McCain sent me this link from Cassy Fiano about some new Quizno’s commercial that has feminists up in arms. (ad below)

Feminists that are pissed off? There’s a fucking surprise.

…thought it was meant to be a joke. Which, yes, it is. But that doesn’t mean it’s a good one.

My response to him: I’m sort of sick of people thinking they’re making a joke while using all of the same antiquated conventions of the thing they’re making fun of, i.e. objectifying women, promoting perfectionist body standards, fetishistizing blondes and Asians, making a mockery of actual female sexuality etc. etc. etc.

It’s not funny. It’s like white people making fun of racism by peddling in racist stereotypes.

Blah, blah, blah, crap, crap, blah, blah

Look woman, they are not trying to be funny. They are trying to sell fucking sandwiches to men who are watching the Playboy channel.

My biggest issues with this commercial are that first of all they are playing off a pop culture reference that is old and already played out. They might as well have the blonde ask “Where’s the beef?” between felatious bites.

Second, they put way too much effort into this commercial considering their target audience is men that are actually paying for the Playboy channel and thus too stupid to realize there’s this little thing call the “internet” where you can get all the porn you can handle and then some for free.

If I’d had written this commercial, there would have been just one woman (with bigger tits) who spoke directly into the camera and said, “I really like guys who eat Quizno’s sandwiches.” Then she would have licked her lips, winked and walked right the fuck off.

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