Wednesday, May 20, 2009

It’s like comparing Apples and Santa Claus

I’m sure I’ll get stomped on for this, but there are few things in this world that annoy me more than the whole “Darwinism” versus Creationism debate. It cannot be discussed rationally.

First of all, use of the word “Darwinism” is a ploy by the creationists because frankly, Darwin got a lot of shit wrong. You know why? Because On the Origin of Species was written in 18fucking59! How about the 150 years of science since?

Secondly, creationists will always and forever have the Almighty trump card…faith. I have never, ever, ever heard of a discussion with a creationist where they didn’t eventually whip out that faith card. There’s no comeback for it; it is unbeatable.

I will now entertain any and all comments.

Wait…let me get prepared.

* inserts fingers in ears *

La la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la…

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