Monday, May 18, 2009

That’s It. I Quit.

I didn’t get any Rule 5 linky love this weekend, so I’ve decided to quit blogging and kill myself because I obviously suck monkey ass.


Although, I am serious about not getting any love for my Rule 5 post last week. What I did get was this comment from Smitty, Almighty Keeper of the Linky Love:

Bob, you may call me a loser and a wuss, but I'm going to pass on doing a Rule 5 Sunday link here.

First of all, I don’t use language like “loser” and “wuss” here at BBG.

“Loser” implies someone is not a “winner”. Aren’t we all winners in the game of life, Smitty? Aren’t we?

“Wuss”, on the other hand, is just partially cleaned up slang for a woman’s vagina and dammit Smitty, that’s where babies come from! It’s a beautiful thing and to use it in any sort of derogatory way is just like slapping God in the mouth. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Second, who the fuck is Chris? I thought your name was Smitty.

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