Thursday, May 28, 2009

Please buy my crap

Did I tell you guys we’re having a yard sale this weekend?

Yea. I’ve been getting ready for it for about a month now and one thing has become painfully clear to me over that month.

I’ve got a shitload of crap.

During my cleaning, sorting and general piling up of crap to sell I’ve divided everything into four groups:

1. Crap we use. This crap is not being sold.

2. Crap we haven’t used in the last year. A lot of this crap is being sold, but there are also a lot of keepsakes in this group.

3. Crap we haven’t used since we moved here five years ago. This is the biggest group of crap and all of it is getting sold.

4. Crap we never even bothered to unpack when we moved here five years ago. I shit you not; this crap was still in the moving boxes.

I really, really need to get rid of some of this because I’m running out of room to put new crap and I can’t buy a bigger house with the way the market is. So if you happen to know where I live, please come buy some of my crap.

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